The Pursuit verse (Written in Red)

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13‭-‬14 NIV

The Pursuit (Day 3)


Take a few minutes to think about traveling. Have you ever been on a “destination unknown” trip, one of those hop in the car, drive in any direction until you get somewhere kind of trips? Life can be this way. We get to a point where we are not sure where we’re going to end up. That is scary. You’ve been a Christ follower for a few days now. It’s time to talk about destinations, where this life ends and the next life begins.

Because you know Christ, you have a new destination for your life.

Now the narrow gate is where you are. You took that road when you met Jesus and asked Him into your life. Going down that road means your future is secure. When this life ends, you will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus.

You used to be on the wide road. The one Jesus says leads to destruction. That place is called hell. People who refuse to accept Christ end up there after they die. What is it like? The Bible describes it as a place of pain and sadness where people are eternally separated from God. Not a place you’d really want to go. Amazing, isn’t it? That one decision, to ask Christ into your life, has eternal, life-changing consequences.

After reading the verses for today, take some time and thank God for leading you to the narrow gate. Thank Him for saving you from an eternity in hell. Express your gratefulness to Him for your salvation.

Day 2 verse

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 6:11‭-‬14 NIV

The Pursuit (Day 2)

“Definition Time”

Dead- 1: deprived of life: having died: 2: lacking power to move, feel, or respond

People generally don’t like to talk about death. Death is usually a topic reserved for quiet talk surrounding a coffin, or in moments of great fear, when death seems close and you can’t avoid it. Sometimes death is a conversation because it is so mysterious and powerful. Occasionally, death is something to celebrate. For example, how do you feel about bread? You may like a good sandwich, or a biscuit, or a thick, fluffy pancake. All of those things require something. A seed had to die. Did you know that’s where wheat comes from? A seed is planted, it dies, and wheat is born from its death.

You have a new beginning that you get to enjoy because of Christ, but, understand that when you were made alive in Christ part of you died. When Jesus came into your life, He destroyed a part of you that had been there a long time. It’s called sin. What is sin? The Bible defines sin as missing the mark – not hitting the exact spot or standard that God has set. In other words, sin is not being perfect. Sin was in charge of your life before Jesus came in. You were a slave to sin.

Did you get that? Your sin was keeping you from God and Jesus killed it. You are dead to sin. Your sins do not control you anymore. You are free but temptation does not end. That is the scary part. Every day your old sins are going to try to come back. They are going to try to drag you back into the old way of life. Every day for the rest of your life, you have a choice to make. Are you going to continue in the freedom you have been given in Christ or are you going to go back?

How do you keep from going back to your old life? Choose to follow what God’s Word says. When you want to go back to the old way – pray, talk to a friend who is a Christian, and get out of the place where you are thinking about going back to your old ways. When you do mess up and fall back into old sin habits, tell someone and confess to God as well. This will protect you from falling back into those old ways again. There is no way to beat sin on your own. Everyone needs help from God and other Christians.

Take a few minutes to think about what you know was in your old life that was not in line with God’s plan for you. Pray and ask God to protect you from going back to those things.

You never knew death could feel so good, did you?

The Pursuit verse (Day 1)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:17‭-‬19 NIV

The Pursuit (Day 2)

“Definition Time”

Dead- 1: deprived of life: having died: 2: lacking power to move, feel, or respond

People generally don’t like to talk about death. Death is usually a topic reserved for quiet talk surrounding a coffin, or in moments of great fear, when death seems close and you can’t avoid it. Sometimes death is a conversation because it is so mysterious and powerful. Occasionally, death is something to celebrate. For example, how do you feel about bread? You may like a good sandwich, or a biscuit, or a thick, fluffy pancake. All of those things require something. A seed had to die. Did you know that’s where wheat comes from? A seed is planted, it dies, and wheat is born from its death.

You have a new beginning that you get to enjoy because of Christ, but, understand that when you were made alive in Christ part of you died. When Jesus came into your life, He destroyed a part of you that had been there a long time. It’s called sin. What is sin? The Bible defines sin as missing the mark – not hitting the exact spot or standard that God has set. In other words, sin is not being perfect. Sin was in charge of your life before Jesus came in. You were a slave to sin.

Did you get that? Your sin was keeping you from God and Jesus killed it. You are dead to sin. Your sins do not control you anymore. You are free but temptation does not end. That is the scary part. Every day your old sins are going to try to come back. They are going to try to drag you back into the old way of life. Every day for the rest of your life, you have a choice to make. Are you going to continue in the freedom you have been given in Christ or are you going to go back?

How do you keep from going back to your old life? Choose to follow what God’s Word says. When you want to go back to the old way – pray, talk to a friend who is a Christian, and get out of the place where you are thinking about going back to your old ways. When you do mess up and fall back into old sin habits, tell someone and confess to God as well. This will protect you from falling back into those old ways again. There is no way to beat sin on your own. Everyone needs help from God and other Christians.

Take a few minutes to think about what you know was in your old life that was not in line with God’s plan for you. Pray and ask God to protect you from going back to those things.

You never knew death could feel so good, did you?

New Plan: The Pursuit (Day 1)

“Welcome to your new life!“

Did you catch that? You are a new creation! Does that sound weird? Believe it or not you are a different person because of Jesus. Now, you may be thinking, “How can they know me? How can they know if I’m different?” OK, you may be right. But, if you’re reading this, it is because you just trusted Jesus and are looking for a way to help you understand the decision you made. (By the way, it was a good decision!)

In Christ you are made new. But, why are you new? Let’s talk about this new you. The old life you lived is dead! You are now someone who knows God. Isn’t that awesome! Now what does that mean?

First, it means there are changes coming to your life, and they are going to be good changes. Stop and think for a minute, what did you hate about your old life? Were you angry or depressed? Were you violent? Maybe everyone took advantage of you or you were the person no one liked? Like everyone else, you are a person with a past. God set you free from that past. In fact, it is the old that has gone. You are new because you began a relationship with Jesus!

Second, there are lots of other people who need to know about Jesus just like you did. As you begin to live your new life, be on the lookout for those people. As your life changes, people will notice, and you will get to tell them why and how Jesus changed your life.

So, what are you leaving behind in your old life? Take a few minutes to release those things to God. Tell Him “thank you” for setting you free to live a new life and ask Him to give you opportunities to tell other people about Jesus.

BTW, welcome to your new life!